Message from JSTOR: "It is the early hours of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. No one knows what will happen next, but we hope the following stories from our archives will help readers understand the military, economic, and geographic history that has preceded this moment, and provide the resources and context for teachers and students in the days ahead."
Reviews current events as they affect US relations worldwide, focusing on international, political, commercial and cultural relations. The Library's print version is located in the Periodicals Collection on the first floor of the Library at the call number D410 .F6
"The journal aims to observe and explain the profound changes transforming every region of the world, providing readers with a better understanding of today's crucial events and pressing global trends through contributions from leading and emerging experts and scholars. "
Foreign Policy's mission "is to explain how the world works -- in particular, how the process of global integration is reshaping nations, institutions, cultures, and, more fundamentally, our daily lives."
Published since 1857, The Atlantic is one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious monthly magazines covering major issues in politics, foreign affairs, the economy and cultural trends.