Why do I need to complete this form? | Submitting course textbooks and materials through this form is how Salem complies with federal law and makes available course titles and costs for student purchases. Library staff also use this form to identify titles for course reserve. |
Why do I need to submit my textbook information so early? | Federal law requires the college to have textbook information available when the registration period opens to students. |
Which ISBN should I list? | Either the ISBN-10 or the ISBN-13 will work. The important thing is that you provide the complete number which follows ISBN-10 or ISBN-13. Add the dashes if you wish. |
How will I know when to submit textbook information? | You will receive an email communication each semester informing you of the due date for the next semester’s submissions. You may also want to bookmark this page for the most current information. |
How do I recommend a non-textbook item for library purchase? | Please use the purchase recommendation form for any non-textbook requests. |
Other questions? Contact library staff at library@salem.edu.
How do I submit course reserves requests?Submit requests using the textbook form above. Submissions will also be evaluated for possible library purchase. If you wish to place personal copies on reserve, submit the form and bring personal copies to the Salem Library Information Desk; a library staff member will assist you. |
How long does it take for items on course reserve to become available to my students?Depending on the nature of the request, it can take up to five (5) business days to process a course reserves request. |
What materials are eligible for course reserve?
What materials are NOT eligible for course reserve?
How do I obtain permission from a copyright holder to use/reuse a work?If needed, permission from copyright holders may be sought directly or through the Copyright Clearance Center, usually for a fee. |
Other questions? Contact library staff at library@salem.edu.