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About: Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

The following are the policies and procedures that should be followed when utilizing any library service. If you have further questions after consuting this page, please contact a librarian.


For Salem Students:

It is the student’s responsibility to note the library’s operating hours. If the library is closed on the due date, the item should be returned before the due date in order to avoid fees. Please note that some items may have different loan periods (ex: various AV equipment, Interlibrary Loan and TALA materials, etc.).

  • Books – End of semester
  • Juvenile books – 30 days
  • Scores – 14 days
  • Recordings – 3 days
  • CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes – 7 days
  • Laptops – 3 hours
  • Items on reserve – 3 hours
  • Headphones and most AV accessories – 3 hours

For Salem Faculty:

  • Books – End of semester
  • Scores – 30 days
  • Recordings – 7 days
  • Laptops – Please consult with IT
  • CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes – 7 days
  • Headphones and most AV accessories – 3 hours

Direct Borrowing from Selected Libraries:

  • Salem Academy and College faculty and students may request items via Interlibrary Loan. Please note the loaning policy is determined by the lending library. For more information, see Borrowing From Other Libraries .
  • Triad Academic Library Association’s (TALA) agreement allows Salem College faculty and students to borrow items directly from participating libraries. For more information, see TALA Access and Use.

Laptop Kiosk

Borrowers agree to the following terms and conditions of use in checking out a laptop computer from the Gramley Library laptop kiosk:

  • Borrowers understand that the laptop must be returned to the kiosk within 3 hours. Borrowers understand that a late return of a laptop to the kiosk will result in $1 per hour overdue fines, with a full replacement cost charged at 2 days (48 hours) overdue.
  • Borrowers understand that the laptop can only be used within the library and must not be taken outside the library.
  • Borrowers understand that they are responsible for paying the cost of repairs to a damaged laptop. They are responsible for the cost to replace a lost or stolen laptop. If the laptop is lost, a payment plan can be negotiated.
  • Borrowers understand that documents and other work created must be saved to external storage such as a USB flash drive, cloud storage, or to a personal email account. Borrowers understand that all files and downloads will be deleted when the laptop is rebooted or returned.
  • Borrowers agree to abide by all Salem Academy and college and Gramley Library policies and procedures.
  • For additional questions an FAQ list can be found on the laptop kiosk screen or a library staff member at the service desk can help.


There are no fees for overdue books, however, books not returned within 3 weeks of the due date are considered “Lost” and a replacement fee is placed on the borrower’s library and business office account. Overdue movies accrue a fee of $1 per day. Course Reserves accrue a fee of $1 per hour (or part thereof). Fees may be paid at the cashier's office in Lehman Hall or online. Please contact the Library Services Coordinator at for assistance.

Lost Materials:

Lost books and other materials should be reported to the Library immediately. Borrowers who have lost library books or movies will be charged a flat fee of $80 per item for replacement and processing. Other item costs will be assessed on an individual basis. Books and movies not returned within 3 weeks after the due date are considered lost and the borrower will be billed the $80 fee. At this point, the borrower’s library and class registration privileges are suspended until the account is settled. Please contact the Library Services Coordinator, at for assistance.

Overdue or Damaged Laptop Equipment:

The fee for overdue laptops is $1 per hour (or part thereof). There is a $15 replacement fee for the power cord. Charges for replacing or repairing a laptop or items not listed will be assessed on an individual basis.

Food & Drink

Food and drinks are permitted in the library, except in the Reading Room (aka Computer Room) and Archives & Special Collections. While in the library, special care should be taken to preserve the collection, the electronic equipment, and the library itself (flooring, tables, etc.). This policy is adopted on a contingency basis, and will continue thereafter so long as the library remains clean and attractive. Problems such as damage from spills, excessive loose trash, emergence of pests, etc. will force reconsideration. Library users are implored to use good judgment to ensure that nothing is harmed by food particles or drink spills. “Good judgment” includes, but is not limited to:

  • Using lids for all drinks
  • Cleaning up after yourself and others (crumbs, food wrappings, minor spills)
  • Reporting major spills to library staff
  • Making sure that no crumbs or spills fall onto books, computers, etc.
  • Washing your hands after eating greasy foods
  • Eating large, messy, and/or aromatic (smelly) meals only in the ground floor lounge

Guest Users

Gramley Library supports the Salem Academy & College community of learners. Guests of the library (i.e. library users who are not Salem Academy & College faculty, students, or staff) are welcome to use the library by appointment during designated hours and in accordance with library policies. Appointments to visit Gramley library are available to guests Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5pm  Appointments can be made by emailing or by calling 336-721-2649 to schedule your visit. Please Note: computer and printing services are not available to guest users.

Because Gramley Library is a place for research and study, all guests of the library are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. As an independent institution, Salem Academy & College reserves the right to respectfully ask guests who are in violation of library policies to vacate the library.

Use of the Library by Minors

Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied to the library by an adult and may not be left in the library unattended for any period of time.

Interlibrary Loan

About Interlibrary Loan (ILL):

Using Interlibrary Loan, current Salem Academy and College students, faculty, and staff may borrow materials from other libraries that are not accessible from Salem’s collections. Most types of materials may be requested via ILL for the purpose of supporting your academic research needs, including books, articles, and audio-visual materials. Most libraries do not lend reference books and special collection materials. Items that CANNOT be ordered via ILL:

  • Articles that are available from Salem’s print and online resources
  • Assigned course materials such as textbooks, reading lists, and reserve items
  • E-Books and computer software

All ILL notifications are sent by email, including due date reminders. Please monitor your email address with regularity after submitting your ILL requests. The Salem Library is not responsible for cases where patrons miss out on loans or receive fees due to notification errors or from users opting out of the library's automated email system. 


Salem does not charge faculty, staff, or students for ILL items if the item is retrieved before the assigned due date AND it is returned on time. However, all borrowers are subject to fees for items that are damaged or lost. Replacement costs are determined by lending library. Failure to pick up an available requested item before the assigned due date will result in the following:

  1. First occurrence – $5.00 fee per item
  2. Second occurrence – $5.00 fee per item and suspension of ILL borrowing privileges until the borrower meets with library staff


Delivery of electronic copies of articles varies, but there is often a quick turnaround. A request may filled within the same business day or it could take between 3 and 7 business days. You will be notified by email when the item is available for use. Delivery times are not guaranteed since the lending library determines when an item is delivered. Allow at least (2) weeks for delivery of books and at least three (3) weeks for audio/visual materials. Since we cannot guarantee a quick turnaround time from the lending library, there is no “rush delivery” available. Physical item(s) will be held for you at the library when they arrive until their assigned due date. See "Cost" above for information on fees.

Checkout Period & Renewals:

The lending library determines due dates for the items borrowed. The typical borrowing period is 21-30 days. You may request a renewal before your item is due; however, renewals are provided at the discretion of the lending library. Please submit your renewal requests a minimum of three (3) business days prior to your ILL item’s due date. Overdue items incur fees of $1.00 per day.

To find out how to submit an ILL request, see Borrowing From Other Libraries.

Please note the following deadlines at the end of a semester:

  • Last day to submit a request for books is 2 weeks before Reading Day
  • All ILL materials are due back regardless of original due date on Reading Day

Please direct any other ILL inquiries to A staff member will respond during regular business hours.

Privacy Policy

Salem College Libraries recognize and honor the right to privacy of all library patrons. The Libraries maintain the confidentiality of library user records in accordance with the laws of North Carolina as stated in the North Carolina General Statutes, Volume 17, Article 3, Sections 125-18 and 125-19, subject to changing United States statutes and regulations. This includes personal data in the Library database as well as information concerning materials and /or information which the user has requested, borrowed, obtained, copied, or used in print, audiovisual, electronic or other formats. Disclosure of library records may be permitted in the exceptions allowed by Section 125-19, part (b), that permits disclosure (1) “When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library;” (2) “Upon written consent of the user:” or (3) “Pursuant to subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by law.” The legal counsel to Salem College must first review a subpoena or court order for library records before any records can be released or revealed. In the case of a warrant, Library staff can only request a delay while calling for legal counsel to be present during the execution of a warrant, but must comply at once as required. The Libraries generally intend to impose a narrow interpretation of the scope of exceptions permitted for “reasonable operation of the library.” Exceptions include access by appropriate library personnel and notification of the Registrar and/or Business Office of unpaid debts. Monies owed to the Libraries are monies owed to the College. In the case of lost or damaged materials, library fines or other fees, the Libraries will therefore notify the Business Office and/or the Registrar of unpaid debts so that the appropriate action may be taken to collect amounts owed. The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act) supercedes all state privacy legislation and amends such Federal legislation as the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This and related legislation make it easier for Federal law enforcement agencies to obtain warrants in an investigation that they say relates to terrorism. The legislation also removes in some cases requirements for notifying individuals of the release of personal information. It also amends the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to include in warrants under that act a gag order that would prevent Library staff from notifying anyone, other than the College’s legal counsel, of the service of a warrant under this section of the Act. Any person who believes that personal or “library use” information has been improperly released to another party may provide a full written report to the Director of Libraries who will initiate an appropriate investigation. The Director of Libraries will provide a full and timely report, including recommendations if appropriate, to the aggrieved party and to the Director of Libraries’ supervisor.

Renewals & Overdue Items

You can renew Salem materials that are NOT overdue by using the “My Library Account” feature of the library’s website. Login to your account using your MySalem username and password. Books may be renewed as often as necessary unless they have been requested by another borrower. Renewals are also accepted in person at the Circulation Desk or by emailing Contact Interlibrary Loan staff at to request renewals for interlibrary loan materials. Overdue items must be brought to the library for renewal.

TALA Direct Borrowing

Triad Academic Library Association’s (TALA) agreement allows Salem College faculty, students and staff to borrow items directly from participating libraries. All will be asked to show a valid photo ID AND be prepared to confirm your status as a currently enrolled or employed Salem College community member. For example, a Salem student may be required to confirm enrollment by looking up their course schedule in Salem’s registration portal; Salem staff and faculty members may be asked to find their names in the Salem Directory. See, TALA Access & Use for a listing of participating libraries and more information.

Gifts Policy

The Salem Academy & College Library’s collections date back to the institution’s founding in 1772. While the primary role of the collection building is curriculum support, Salem also plays an important role in the preservation of scholarly information and primary sources. The general collection is at the institution’s Gramley Library. In addition to the circulating collection, specialized resources exist in the Archives and Special Collections.

  • The Archives house the official records of the institution as well as other college and academy related material worthy of preservation due to their enduring legal or historical value.
  • Special Collections house manuscripts and rare, valuable and limited edition books or other materials.

I. Guidelines and Goals for Accepting Gifts:

Due to the high costs of managing the gift process, the Library’s goal in accepting gifts is to acquire only materials which are highly relevant to the institution’s needs. All potential gifts will be evaluated in terms of the collection development goals of the Library. These include:

  • Supporting the current and evolving curriculum
  • Supporting the basic research needs of faculty and students
  • Maintaining older collections of depth

II. Process for Accepting Gifts:

  1. The Director of Libraries is responsible for following the Salem Academy & College Policy on gifts of Tangible Property.
  2. All offers of donations to Salem Library are referred to the Director of Libraries or their designee.
  3. In the case of gifts destined for the Archives or Special Collections the Archivist or the Director of Libraries is the primary contact.
  4. Arrangements for all gifts should be made through the Director of Libraries.
  5. The donor will provide a description of any gift before it can be considered. If a collection is offered, either in whole or in part, a full description (including title, author, publication date, publisher, etc.) is extremely useful. In the absence of such documentation, the Library may require on-site evaluation of the collection by library staff before a determination to accept can be made.
  6. The Director of Libraries will acknowledge all donations. The Archivist will send separate acknowledgements for gifts to the Archives and/or Special Collections. Donors who deliver gifts without prior contact with Library staff will receive a copy of the Library’s Donor Record Form as a receipt and interim record of the transfer of ownership.
  7. The Library will not accept gifts on which a donor places restrictions that will negatively affect the use of the materials.
  8. The Library will not accept the following items:
    • Magazines, journals, or newspapers
    • Encyclopedias
    • Anything with an odor or in disrepair
    • Superseded or outdated content
    • Content outside of our collection scope
    • Those that duplicate current local holdings
  9. If, on subsequent evaluation, subject specialists determine material to be inappropriate, it will not be added to the collections, but will be disposed of as described in section IV below.
  10. The Library cannot appraise or assign value to gifts.
  11. All gifts become property of the library.

III. Process for Evaluating gifts:

  1. All gifts are to evaluated in light of the following criteria:
    • Ability to add depth or breadth to the existing collections
    • Support of overall collection development priorities
    • Relevance of content
    • Physical condition
  2. The Library will not accept gifts when their physical condition does not allow normal library shelving and use. In some rare cases the Library may accept books of sufficiently important content or provenance even if they require professional treatment to protect and preserve them. In these cases, the donor may be asked to provide the resources for this treatment.
  3. Librarians charged with management of specific subject collections, will evaluate gifts accepted for the general collections. They will make the final decision on adding unique or additional copies to the collections.
  4. When specialized knowledge is required to evaluate a gift, library staff may consult with members of the faculty or others with appropriate expertise.

IV. Disposition of Gift Materials

  1. With the exception of some archival materials, all accepted gifts added to the collection will be cataloged and listed in the Library’s online public catalog.
  2. Since all gift materials that are added to the general collections are shelved in the appropriate subject classification, the Library cannot maintain separate named collections.
  3. Gifts that are not added to the collection may be disposed of in one of the following ways:
    • If it has been arranged in advance, they may be returned to the donor.
    • If of artifactual value, they may be sold to a specialty book dealer, and the proceeds used to support future acquisitions.
    • In cases where other institutions have teaching or collecting goals which the gift more appropriately supports, these institutions may be offered the gift. The first preference is to place the item in one of the member libraries of the Triad Academic Library Association (TALA), to which Salem belongs.
    • All other non accessioned gifts will be sold to Better World Books and the proceeds will be used to support future acquisitions.
  4. Donors who offer items or collections that Salem cannot accept may be referred to other libraries.

Resources Challenge Policy

As an academic library, we cultivate a collection of resources that are appropriate for the curriculum at Salem and an adult audience. Our collection represents various viewpoints that stimulate intellectual inquiry and foster spirited debate. That said, legitimate complaints about library materials will be reviewed based on the guidelines endorsed by the American Library Associations’ Intellectual Freedom Manual.

Complaints will be handled on a case-by-case basis and can only be made by current students, faculty, and staff of Salem Academy and College. The Salem Library has delegated the responsibility for the selection and evaluation of materials to liaison librarians, faculty, and the Library Director. Should a member of the Salem community think that certain material is unsuitable for the library’s collections, the first step is to discuss their concerns with the appropriate liaison librarian and/or the Library Director.

Elizabeth Novicki, Library Director (
Liaison to: Academic Support & Disability Services; Center for Teaching Excellence & Innovation; Educational Leadership; Honors; Integrative Studies; Leadership; QUEST Center; School Counseling; Teacher Education; Teaching, Schools, & Society

Cait Whitehead, Collection Strategist & Discovery Librarian (
Liaison to: Biochemistry; Biology; Business Administration; Center for Women in Entrepreneurship & Business; Chemistry; Environmental Studies; Exercise Science and Wellness; Health Administration; Health Sciences; Mathematics, Computer Sciences, & Physics;  Nutrition; Psychological Science; Public Health; Women in Science & Mathematics

Keri O’Hern, Student Success & Instruction Librarian ( 
Liaison to: Art, Art History, and Design; Business Administration; Center for Women in Entrepreneurship & Business; Communication and Media Studies; English and Writing Studies; Health Administration; Health Advocacy & Humanitarian Systems; Health Communication; Health Humanities; History; Modern Languages; Music; Nonprofit Management and Community Leadership; Political Science; Race & Ethnicity Studies; Salem Impact;  Sociology & Criminal Studies; Visual & Performing Arts; Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Writing Center

If the issue is not resolved following an informal discussion about the mission of the library and how material supports higher education learning, the library has established formal reconsideration procedures to address concerns about those resources. You must fill out the Challenge Form below and return to Elizabeth Novicki, Library Director, at to initiate formal proceedings. The challenge will then be reviewed by a Reconsideration Committee, comprised of the Library Director, one faculty member, and one student. The committee will review the specific title, speak with the person making the challenge, and then determine if the title will remain in the library’s collection.