You will need a Salem Academy & College ID if you plan to visit the library after 5:00 Monday-Friday or on weekends. If you do not have a Salem ID, please contact Dr. Sheryl Long for information on obtaining your ID card.
E-books are available for download or reading full-text online. Many of Salem's eBook collections provide access to education books, including the ones listed below.
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
eBook Collections
To locate books or other items in the library use the online catalog. The key to searching library catalogs is knowing the subject headings (or "terms"). Some examples of subject headings are:
To find the subject headings for YOUR topic...
Note: Subject Headings are listed alphabetically and then expand into sub headings, also listed alphabetically.
Sometimes you may simply want to browse books on a certain topic or subject. All books dealing with education are located on the 2nd floor of Gramley Library, and begin with the classification letter "L."
Dissertations and theses are often overlooked sources of scholarly information. Although written by students completing their masters or doctoral programs, the research reported AND SOURCES listed in them have undergone perhaps the greatest scrutiny and review of all peer-reviewed sources. We are fortunate that many older and current dissertations are now made available full-text and online.