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Exercise Science

This research guide is designed to provide you with direct access to some of the tools and resources you need to succeed in exercise science!

eBook Collections

Finding Exercise Science Books

Call numbers identify the location of print materials in a library and they also tell us about the primary and secondary classifications within a given subject. To find information related to exercise science in the library stacks, browse the following call numbers:

G---Geography. Anthropology. Recreation

GV- Recreation. Leisure.​

GV181.35-181.6.....Recreation leadership. Administration of recreation services

GV201-555......Physical education and training

GV435-436.7.....Physical measurements. Physical tests, etc. 

GV460-555......Gymnastics. Gymnastic exercises 


GV 571-700.....Sports history

GV709....Women's sports


Q--- Science

QM- Human anatomy

QP- Physiology

R--- Medicine

RC- Internal medicine

RC1200-1245.....Sports medicine